Thursday, February 19, 2009

Life's Tough Questions

Yesterday I was listening to the radio on the way home from being at one of those pricey coffee places JHM was discussing. It was Rock 101, and the DJ's were going on about something or other. I wasn't really paying attention, until one of them made mention of polygamy. I listened curiously. The discussion progressed, until one of them asked this deep question, which I pose for you now:

"Why is it that a guy can sleep with as many women as he wants, and it's okay, but he can only marry one?"

That's why philosophers never go in to radio. Just so much wrong with that question.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

So the other day, I was watching a television program which showed an artist and his exhibit. It was a collection of golden coffee cups arranged haphazardly all over one another, exclaiming the affluent stupidity of spending over five dollars on a single Starbuck's drink. The artist ranted about the ways in which carrying a double foam, half whip, non fat milk, extra hot, half sweet, double pump cinnamon dolce latte...has become a sign of status and economic stability. What have we come to, dear friends.
However....and there is always a I sit here, drinking my own over-priced coffee, I can do nothing more than bathe in my own self-contentment, and chuckle to myself about the witty comments posted on my 10% post-consumer recycled cup, lavishing in the warmth passing through the cup into my cold Canadian hand. Thank you, Mr. Artist, for you have enlightened me.

Sip, sip, sip.....more cream would do me well.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ah yes, what a wonderful new day it is, when the common man can gather in intellectual snobbery. Or the common snob can gather in intellectual commonery. Is commonery a word?

Let me begin by saying that I would rather be a Navy Seal. I firmly believe that they have an easier life than women. My friend Dan (not made up) and I were just discussing yesterday how difficult the life of a woman truly is. What with all the gossip and makeup and stress. Navy Seals just have to swim and kill people. Sure killing is probably emotionally disturbing, but so is being pregnant. And being pregnant lasts much, much longer.

As for my introduction, well, I would like to read JHM's book one day. And then take the words and publish them as my own. Yes, that will work out quite nicely.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Now for our first question. This little gem was formed out of the blazing heat of two scholarly fellows pitting their wits against one another:

"Would you rather be a woman, or a navy seal?"

Simple Beginnings

Some may be wondering to themselves "why create a page that claims to appeal to Everyman?" And I do give them credit for posing this question, and intend to write down the first sufficient answer as soon as it enters my mind.

There it is. Wonderful.

Let me begin by saying this...I don't know, it just sounded good. Sort of kidding. But really, this blog will aim to stimulate the highest, most pretentious intellectual conversations possible through the magical world of blogging by means of questions, answers, ideas, comments, and almost (note the italicized almost) anything else that runs through one's brain.

Now for introductions. I want to write a book one day, I like books, I have lots of books, and I think that books smell good. That's me.