Thursday, February 12, 2009

So the other day, I was watching a television program which showed an artist and his exhibit. It was a collection of golden coffee cups arranged haphazardly all over one another, exclaiming the affluent stupidity of spending over five dollars on a single Starbuck's drink. The artist ranted about the ways in which carrying a double foam, half whip, non fat milk, extra hot, half sweet, double pump cinnamon dolce latte...has become a sign of status and economic stability. What have we come to, dear friends.
However....and there is always a I sit here, drinking my own over-priced coffee, I can do nothing more than bathe in my own self-contentment, and chuckle to myself about the witty comments posted on my 10% post-consumer recycled cup, lavishing in the warmth passing through the cup into my cold Canadian hand. Thank you, Mr. Artist, for you have enlightened me.

Sip, sip, sip.....more cream would do me well.

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